~LUNA EARTH SPRING~ "Flower accessories" that herald the arrival of spring are now available.

March is finally upon us, and the number of warm days is gradually increasing.
Many accessories with warm flower motifs have arrived that will add color to your spring outfits!
Please check out.

This is a vane clip with an acrylic flower motif that is light to wear yet securely in place.
With a variety of spring-like colors, it will make your hair style more gorgeous.
Attach it to your bag and use it as a one-point item◎

flower motif bun clip

acrylic flower bow clip

We also have a bang clip with a larger flower motif that is recommended for those with long hair.

tulip vance clip

Cherry blossom motif buns clip

These beaded flower earrings are popular among stylish girls.
The colorful design is unique to spring, and one of its charms is that the impression changes dramatically depending on the color you choose.

bead flower titanium earrings

tulip hook earrings

beaded cherry earrings

beaded flower earrings

A brightly colored flower motif ring that catches your eye.
Adding just one item to a simple outfit will add a touch of color.

color flower ring

What did you think.
If you want to get ahead of spring, we recommend a flower motif.
Click here to see other flower accessories!