Get ahead of summer! Lots of cool accessories have arrived.

We have a large selection of acrylic and clear colored accessories in stock, perfect for summer.
Adding just one cool accessory to your outfit will give it a light and airy look.
Please check out.

This acrylic clip has a clear colored frame design that is perfect for summer.
The simple design blends in well with your hair and is sure to be useful in a variety of situations.

Acrylic Wave Clip

Acrylic Twist Bangs Clip

These accessories have a fresh and vibrant fruit motif.
It's colorful, so you can use it as an accent color on your bag, etc.

Fruit motif hair clip

Fruit Motif Clip

Clear color ear accessories.
It brightens up the area around your face and gives a relaxed feel to your ears, adding a clean, refreshing impression.

Clear Drop Titanium Earrings

Clear Flower Titanium Earrings

Water Drop Earrings

Clear color earrings

What did you think.
I'm sure there are many people who are refraining from going out to events or traveling in the summer.
Please check out!